Bi-State Tribal Natural Resources Committee

Traditional Ecological Knowledge Summit field walk

The Bi-State Tribal Natural Resources Committee (BTNRC) is a Tribally convened and led group composed of official representatives from Tribes in the Bi-State area, individual Tribal members, and representatives of Bi-State land and wildlife management agency units who are ex-officio members.

The mission of the BTNRC is to promote, protect, and preserve good management of lands in the Bi-State area through advocacy and education using a holistic approach.

The purpose of the BTNRC is to educate and facilitate communication between Tribes and land and wildlife management agencies.

Learn more about the BTNRC here.

Traditional Ecological Knowledge Summit

Planning for the 2025 Traditional Ecological Knowledge Summit is currently underway.

When: June 16th – 18th

Where: Carson City, NV.

Details and registration will be forthcoming shortly.

Learn more about previous Traditional Ecological Knowledge Summits here.
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