Bi-State Collaborative Structure

The effort to conserve the Bi-State DPS of the greater sage-grouse and its habitats involves a collaborative, multi-jurisdictional group of diverse stakeholders. Partners include the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM), U.S. Forest Service (USFS), U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW), California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP), state and local governments from California and Nevada, NGOs, Native American Tribes, agricultural producers, land owners, citizens, and all other parties that are interested in or involved in the conservation of the Bi-State sage-grouse.

The key components of this multi-tiered conservation partnership are listed here.  More details can be found in the links below.

Bi-State Local Area Working Group (LAWG)

The LAWG serves as a foundation of stakeholders engaged in the conservation and management of the Bi-State sage-grouse.

Bi-State Tribal Natural Resources Committee (BTNRC)

The BTNRC facilitates communication among Tribes and land and wildlife management agencies in the Bi-State area.

Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)

The TAC provides technical expertise to guide the science-based, adaptive strategy for conserving the Bi-State DPS.

Executive Oversight Committee (EOC)

The EOC ensures a coordinated interagency approach and the commitment of partners to carrying out conservation actions. Through this partnership, the Bi-State DPS has been the focus of sustained collaborative efforts through the implementation of the Bi-State Action Plans, which serves as a roadmap for the conservation of sage-grouse in the Bi-State area.

Agency Funding Commitments

Each year, Bi-State partners work together to leverage expertise and develop conservation strategies to develop a proposed program of work based on priority, staff availability and funding. Agencies work across jurisdictional boundaries to monitor population demographics, complete vegetation monitoring plots, and carry out Action Plan projects. In 2014, Bi-State partners announced a $45 million-dollar commitment to implement the 2012 Action Plan over a 10-year period. Under the direction of the Executive Oversight Committee, each partnering agency drafted a commitment letter to the Service, stating their acknowledgment of responsibility and dedication to implement a coordinated interagency approach to conservation. Agency partners updated their letters in 2024 to demonstrate their ongoing commitment to Bi-State sage-grouse conservation. View the updated commitment letters here.

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