
The Bi-State Local Area Working Group implemented the collaborative approach for conservation of the Bi-State greater sage-grouse in 2002 under the guidance of the Nevada Governor’s Sage Grouse Conservation Team. Since then, resource management agencies and stakeholders have worked to collaboratively to conserve the Bi-State sage-grouse and its habitat through the development and implementation of the Bi-State Action Plan

A Roadmap to Conserve the Sage-Grouse

The Bi-State Action Plan was first published in the 2004 and then updated in 2012 and again in 2024. Each Action Plan has provided a roadmap to conserve the sage-grouse and its habitat using a science-based, adaptive management approach and the actions within have been continuously implemented in a coordinated effort by the Bi-State Local Area Working Group (LAWG), Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), Executive Oversight Committee (EOC) and the Bi-State Tribal Natural Resources Committee (BTNRC).

A Success Story

Conservation actions laid out in the Action Plan address population monitoring, habitat monitoring and the implementation of a wide variety of conservation projects. These conservation efforts and collaborative partnerships have had a positive influence on sage-grouse populations and the sagebrush ecosystem in the Bi-State area. The USGS recently completed an analysis to determine the effectiveness of conservation actions on sage-grouse population performance in the Bi-State and found that apparent abundance of sage-grouse located near areas where conservation efforts have been carried out exhibit stronger growth than areas not located near conservation efforts. This has resulted in cumulative increases in abundance of 37% since 2012, providing clear evidence that conservation work in the Bi-State is having a positive impact on sage-grouse in the area. Accomplishment Reports detailing the work that has been carried out by Bi-State partners are published regularly.

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