Local Area Working Group

Local Area Working Group meeting

The Bi-State Local Area Working Group (LAWG) was established in 2002, and initiated a collaborative approach for conservation of the Bi-State Distinct Population Segment of Greater Sage-Grouse, under the guidance of the Nevada Governor’s Sage Grouse Conservation Team.

The Bi-State LAWG includes all parties engaged in the conservation and management of the Bi-State DPS. Participants include, but are not limited to, federal, state, and local government agencies, Native American Tribes, non-profit organizations, ranchers, private landowners, and the public.

The Bi-State LAWG provides a forum for any interested party to learn about and participate in conservation and management of the Bi-State DPS

LAWG members implement the conservation actions laid out in the Action Plan to benefit the Bi-State DPS, sagebrush and surrounding habitats, and other species that are reliant on these ecosystems.

For nearly two decades LAWG participants have positively influenced sage-grouse conservation and management decisions and implemented conservation actions.

The Sage-Grouse Initiative featured the Bi-State LAWG and one of our partners, the Bishop BLM Field Office, in their featured friend series. Here are links to those stories: LAWG, Bishop BLM.

For regular Local Area Working Group updates please visit the e-mail sign up page and subscribe your email address.

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