2022-2023 Annual Accomplishment Report

This Bi-State Sage-Grouse Conservation Action Plan Progress Report provides summaries of various conservation actions completed within the Bi-State conservation planning area during 2022 and 2023. The report includes the following:

  • Lek monitoring report
  • Population demography and movement
  • Vegetation monitoring
  • Conservation action implementation summary
  • Development of the 2024 Action Plan
Download the 2022 – 2023 Annual Accomplishment Report Here!

Bi-State Sage-Grouse 10-Year Accomplishment Report

The Bi-State Sage-Grouse Conservation Action Plan 2020 Progress Report provides summaries of various conservation actions completed within the Bi-State conservation planning area since the Action Plan was implemented in 2012. The report includes the following:

  • Accomplishment summary
  • Lek monitoring report
  • Population demography and movement
  • Vegetation monitoring
  • Conservation action implementation summary
Download the 10-Year Accomplishment Report Here!

2020 Bi-State Accomplishment Report

The Bi-State Sage-Grouse Conservation Action Plan 2020 Progress Report provides summaries of various conservation actions completed within the Bi-State conservation planning area through 2020 including the following:

  • Accomplishment summary
  • Lek monitoring report
  • Population demography and movement
  • Vegetation monitoring
  • Conservation action implementation summary
Download the 2020 Accomplishment Report Here!

2019 Bi-State Accomplishment Report

The Bi-State Sage-Grouse Conservation Action Plan: 2019 Progress Report provides summaries of various conservation actions completed within the Bi-State conservation planning area through 2019 including the following:

  • Accomplishment summary
  • Lek monitoring report
  • Population demography and movement
  • Vegetation monitoring
Download the 2019 Accomplishment Report Here!

2012 – 2018 Accomplishment Report

The Bi-State Sage-Grouse Action Plan was written in 2012 to provide a “road-map” to conservation for the Bi-State sage-grouse and their habitats. After seven years, many of the outlined actions, objectives and strategies have been accomplished! This report:

  • Summarizes population monitoring efforts,
  • Vegetation monitoring efforts,
  • Provides a synopsis of conservation efforts implemented to address threat
  • Analyzes what percent of the 2012 Action Plan and associated 76 projects have been implemented.
Download the 2012-2018 Accomplishment Report Here!

Bi-State Habitat Restoration Project Monitoring

The Nevada Department of Wildlife and Great Basin Institute published this report to present preliminary results from habitat restoration and monitoring efforts within Bi-State sage-grouse habitat.  This report:

  • Describes vegetation monitoring efforts and methods,
  • Presents pre and post-treatment results and,
  • Attempts to understand the effects of restoration efforts.

Download the NDOW Report Here!

2017 Bi-State Report

The Bi-State Sage-Grouse Conservation Action Plan: 2017 Progress Report (2017 Progress Report) provides summaries of various conservation actions completed within the Bi-State conservation planning area through 2017 including the following:

  • Accomplishment summary,
  • Lek monitoring report,
  • Population demography and movement,
  • Vegetation monitoring,
  • Bi-State livestock grazing assessment.
Download the 2017 Accomplishment Report Here!

2016 Bi-State Report

The Bi-State Sage-Grouse Conservation Action Plan: 2016 Progress Report (2016 Bi-State Report) provides summaries of various conservation actions completed within the Bi-State conservation Planning area through 2016 including the following:

  • Accomplishment Summary,
  • Lek surveys and monitoring,
  • Population demography and movement,
  • Vegetation monitoring,
  • Bi-State livestock grazing assessment.
Download the 2016 Accomplishment Report Here!

2015 Bi-State Report

The Bi-State Sage-Grouse Conservation Action Plan: 2015 Progress Report (2015 Bi-State Report) provides summaries of various conservation actions completed within the Bi-State conservation Planning area through 2015 including the following:

  • Project accomplishment
  • Lek surveys and monitoring
  • Population demography and movement
  • Vegetation monitoring
  • Conifer removal prioritization

Download the 2015 Accomplishment Report Here!

2014 Bi-State Report

The 2012-2015 Bi-State Action Plan Accomplishment Update (2014 Bi-State Report) provides a summary of on-the-ground conservation actions that have been implemented to improve habitat for Bi-State sage-grouse and other actions such as research and monitoring, planning and coordination between agencies, as well as conservation implementation commitments for 2015.

Download 2015 Commitment Letters Here!
Download the 2015 Sage-Grouse Project Summary Here!
Download the 2012 – 2015 Accomplishment Report Here!
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